Author: [email protected]
Just a bunch of golden nuggets for my photopassion…
This single post, will most likely just end up with a bunch of links to other sites, where I have found useful guides, information or great pics. I think ill group the links into headlines for the sake of overview. Lightroom/Photoshop Guide for stacking simple
My cloud storage provider, hosts 1 EXAbyte of data, wanna join?

Obviously my cloud storage provider is Backblaze, not only do they have the coolest name of all cloudstorage providers, they also have the coolest product. To understand the size of an EXAbyte, Backblze has put together this nice writting. I highly recommend Backblze and trust me, when I say, if you ever find yourself or your company in need of some serious external cloudstorage, be sure to give Backblaze a try. Of coarse they areLearn More
Min Facebook konto sender beskeder….

First of all to the English readers of this site, sorry, for posting this in Danish. I might make an additional one in English or just add the English version below. “Hej Brian, ring lige til mig, så hurtigt du kan, jeg får beskeder om at jeg sender beskeder på Facebook eller Messenger, som ikke er mig.” “En god ven” Sådan startede min dag forleden. Der kan være flere årsager til at ens “Facebook konto”Learn More
Add to startup of Windows 10
Ever wondered what happend to the good old, right click on the startmenu->Start menu Well fortunatly it is much simpler in Windows 10. Press Win+R type shell:startup and hit enter, there you go.
Cloud Compute? – Try Paperspace

As an system administrator, I more than often find myself in need of trying something out, say needing a isolated machine for testing etc. But I also often need to access “company” ressources from the outside, as seen from a public user. I you like me, find yourself needing these things read along. Within Paperspace you can rapidly deploy one or more machines to set up for what ever nned you might have, it isLearn More
Secure, your secure site.

Recently i received a message, stating that my secure site wasn’t so secure. At first i thought, that maybe my certificate had expired, fortunatly that wasn’t the case. The problem was, that running a webserver on an old Windows Server 2008 std edition, older protocols are used to serve HTTPS Among them is PCT 1.0, SSLv2 and v3 and older TLS versions. what does this mean and why aren’t they secure.Well as of july 2018,Learn More
Betal eller jeg sender intimbilleder til alle på dine kontaktliste
Betal eller jeg sender intimbilleder til alle på dine kontaktliste 😀 Sådan ca. lyder overskriften på en mail der er tikket ind hos en lang række modtagere i landet. Og hvad endnu værre er, så er mailen ofte ledsaget af netop dit eget password? Nu kunne man jo så begynde at skrive spalte op og spalte ned med at man skal huske at skifte sit password jævnligt, ikke bruge det samme password flere steder, huskeLearn More
CrystalDiskInfo reveals your HDD health
Ever needed to monitor the health of your harddisk? If yes, then chance thatCrystalDiskInfo is the tool you are looking for. I has quite a strong set of monitoring parameters, such as Error count/average, Run Time, Temp and of coarse S.M.A.R.T among many. File can be downloaded at own risk from here:
Upgrade Cartificate Authority (ROOT CA) from SHA1 to SHA2 (SHA256)
Upgrade More text to come, comment for me to speed up 😀 Linux command for Centos 5 and Centos 7 Centos 7 if convert is needed (legacy) Kopier vores mycert.cer fil til Linux (/tmp) openssl x509 -inform der -in tv2b.cer -out tv2ca.pem (konverter den til pem) cp /tmp/tv2ca.pem /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/tv2ca.pem (kopier den ind i trustet anchors for Linux) update-ca-trust (If the certificate is in OpenSSL’s extended BEGIN TRUSTED CERTIFICATE format, place it in /etc/pki/ca-trust/source) Learn More