Category: Server 2012
Howto: Enable SAN Certificates on Internal CA

Today I faced a problem where I needed to deploy two certicates for some internal use. Like many times before I used our internal Certificate Authority and requested a Web Server certificat, however due to Chrome/Edge new security, the certicate rendered unsecure, as the Webserver didn’t managed to prove it was the owner of the certificate. The reason being that now a days we rely on the Subject Alternate Name in the certificate to alsoLearn More
CrystalDiskInfo reveals your HDD health
Ever needed to monitor the health of your harddisk? If yes, then chance thatCrystalDiskInfo is the tool you are looking for. I has quite a strong set of monitoring parameters, such as Error count/average, Run Time, Temp and of coarse S.M.A.R.T among many. File can be downloaded at own risk from here:
DHCP High-availability on Windows 2012
Something that should have been available for decades ago have just with the launch of Windows Server 2012 become possible, the opportunity to set up a HA DHCP server without clustering. When you install the DHCP role on a Windows Server 2012 you get the option to make it HA, be pointing to another “node” which also contains the DHCP role. When you set it up you have the possiblility to make it Active/Active orLearn More