Tag: Utility
Cloud Compute? – Try Paperspace

As an system administrator, I more than often find myself in need of trying something out, say needing a isolated machine for testing etc. But I also often need to access “company” ressources from the outside, as seen from a public user. I you like me, find yourself needing these things read along. Within Paperspace you can rapidly deploy one or more machines to set up for what ever nned you might have, it isLearn More
CrystalDiskInfo reveals your HDD health
Ever needed to monitor the health of your harddisk? If yes, then chance thatCrystalDiskInfo is the tool you are looking for. I has quite a strong set of monitoring parameters, such as Error count/average, Run Time, Temp and of coarse S.M.A.R.T among many. File can be downloaded at own risk from here: http://crystalmark.info/download/index-e.html
Convert convert convert
If you often like me is needing the oppurtunity to convert one format to another, you’ll most likely love this site http://www.online-convert.com/ In here you have options to convert images, audio, movie, compressed files etc. to another format. If you however need on a more regular basis, I strongly recommend https://keepvid.com/ it is an easy to use utility, that really gives value for money. Furthermore it offers a plugin for Chrome, IE and Firefox if you reallyLearn More
Damaged CD/DVD – No fear ISOPUZZLE is here
Today, my daughter came and told me that she could no longer see her favorite DVD movie on the playstation. I told her I would look into it and confirmed the the DVD media was indeed scrathed. Unfortunatly i had never made a backup of that DVD, which I else do with every original movie we purchase, so that this wouldn’t occur. Well i tried to rip copy it using ashampoo free (which of coarseLearn More