Tag: CLI

Unable to active your Windows 8 Enterprise edition

If you experience trouble activating your legal version of Windows 8, then there might be a solution to your problem here. This post is created using a version of Windows 8 downloaded from MSDN repo. But I would recon that the problem could be similar if the installation media was from a different source. The problem being that you can’t activate your Windows 8 product, either because the activate button is missing or because, whenLearn More

Usefull commands for programming a HP Switch

This post i mainly for my own bad memory, so bear with me if there ain’t no real structure, this i just a bunch of command all in one place 😀   .:Configuration:. Menu ‘brings you into menu mode. show running-config ‘show the current running config on screen copy command-output “show running-config” TFTP x.x.x.x ” backupswitch.txt” ‘ Takes a backup of the running configuration   .:Firmware:. copy flash tftp x.x.x.x “firmware.swi” primary ‘ Copies the file firmware.swi from yourLearn More

Locate installed patches on windows easy

If you ever come across a issue, where you need to locate, whether or not at KB articel from Microsoft is installed or not, it is as easy as entering a command prompt and type: c:\>wmic qfe | find “<number of the b articel, and only the number>” press enter c:\>wmic qfe | find “23456”   Now, you could also take this a step further and do remote querying, this is done via the followingLearn More

HP Switch v1910 and the secret it holds

More text to come…. http://glazenbakje.wordpress.com/2012/08/21/hp-v1910-secret-commando-list-how-to-enable-it/

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