Month: April 2020
My cloud storage provider, hosts 1 EXAbyte of data, wanna join?

Obviously my cloud storage provider is Backblaze, not only do they have the coolest name of all cloudstorage providers, they also have the coolest product. To understand the size of an EXAbyte, Backblze has put together this nice writting. I highly recommend Backblze and trust me, when I say, if you ever find yourself or your company in need of some serious external cloudstorage, be sure to give Backblaze a try. Of coarse they areLearn More
Min Facebook konto sender beskeder….

First of all to the English readers of this site, sorry, for posting this in Danish. I might make an additional one in English or just add the English version below. “Hej Brian, ring lige til mig, så hurtigt du kan, jeg får beskeder om at jeg sender beskeder på Facebook eller Messenger, som ikke er mig.” “En god ven” Sådan startede min dag forleden. Der kan være flere årsager til at ens “Facebook konto”Learn More