Tag: Certificate
Howto: Enable SAN Certificates on Internal CA

Today I faced a problem where I needed to deploy two certicates for some internal use. Like many times before I used our internal Certificate Authority and requested a Web Server certificat, however due to Chrome/Edge new security, the certicate rendered unsecure, as the Webserver didn’t managed to prove it was the owner of the certificate. The reason being that now a days we rely on the Subject Alternate Name in the certificate to alsoLearn More
Upgrade Cartificate Authority (ROOT CA) from SHA1 to SHA2 (SHA256)
Upgrade More text to come, comment for me to speed up 😀 Linux command for Centos 5 and Centos 7 Centos 7 if convert is needed (legacy) Kopier vores mycert.cer fil til Linux (/tmp) openssl x509 -inform der -in tv2b.cer -out tv2ca.pem (konverter den til pem) cp /tmp/tv2ca.pem /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/tv2ca.pem (kopier den ind i trustet anchors for Linux) update-ca-trust (If the certificate is in OpenSSL’s extended BEGIN TRUSTED CERTIFICATE format, place it in /etc/pki/ca-trust/source) Learn More
Unable to request certificate on Windows XP from your own CA (Certificate Authority)
If you’re installing a new Certificate Authority based on Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2 your might encounter a problem related where your computeres running Windows XP aren’t able to request nor auto-enroll a certificate from your CA. When you try to manually request the certificate you get an error saying: “Unable to complete the request”, “Cannot find the requested object.” Similar message can be found in the Eventviewer. If you look inLearn More