Setting up OAB correct in Exchange 2010
There tend to be some mistakes when people try to set up OfflineAddressbook correctly in Exchange 2010, either people see’s on error (0x8004010f) or it just hangs when connecting and never get in going (times out).
Well there are 2 different causes to this obviously, if we take error 1 first, this is caused by a misconfig somewhere either in the way you try to distribute your OAB or in the URL’s you use. Both are easy to fix and locate.
Make sure that you use webdistributed OAB this is set in the EMC under Organzation Config -> Mailbox -> Offline Address Book
Verify OABVIRTUALDIRECTORY is set up correctly
Open -> EPS -> Get-Oabvirtualdirectory | fl – pay attention to the lines named INTERNALURL and EXTERNALURL
Further more make sure that, files in location below is correct, otherwise remove them, they will be recreated as nessecary
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\ClientAccess\OAB
In IIS, make sure that Basic authentication is set, so that both Basic and Windows Authentication is selected as Authentication on IIS OAB
Additional documentation regarding this